Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Solicitation Call

The first thing we need to do is bring you up to date. . . .

In late November 2013, we returned from serving a humanitarian mission in the Adriatic North Mission.  While in that part of the world we lived in Tuzla, Bosnia.  We had a wonderful experience there and made many life long friends.  (see

After we got home and the holidays were over we visited some of our daughters and their families. We figured we were finally settled, so we began training to work in the Draper Temple as ordinance workers.

Our first day in the temple was March 21, 2014.  On March 27, 2014 we were at our home in Sandy, UT.  The phone rang and Susan answered it.  The person on the other end asked for Gary.  As Susan handed him the phone, he asked her "Who is it?" Because of the number on called ID he thought it was a solicitation call.  As it turned out it was a phone call from a former colleague in New Zealand.  He actually was calling "to solicit" us to consider turning in our mission papers to serve as the Area Welfare Specialists for the Pacific Area.  When he called he mentioned that he and his wife would be released in September and they were looking for a replacement.  They were looking for a replacement who had a good understanding of welfare principles (Does 33 years in welfare qualify someone with a good understanding of welfare?).  Gary told him that he would discuss it with Susan and get back with him the following Monday.  Friday was our usual day to work in the Draper Temple, so we went to the temple and prayed about the offer.  We both felt good about turning in our papers, so we started the process.

The process was not as easy, as we both had to have complete physical and dental examinations.  We completed all the necessary forms and turned in our papers.  At the same time as we submitted our applications, the Area Office in New Zealand contacted the missionary department and earmarked our papers.  We turned in our papers on April 28, 2014 and received our mission call on May 28, 2014.

The day we go to the Missionary Training Center is September 8, 2014, so it looks like retirement and time for the grand kids did not last very long.  When we fly out (September 19th) it will be one week short of 10 months since we came home from Bosnia.

What does an Area Welfare Specialist do?  On our last mission we served as humanitarian missionaries.  This mission we will be working in the area office (with lots of other people).  Area Welfare Specialists support senior humanitarian missionairs as they develop and implement humanitarian projects.  

We are so excited to go to New Zealand and know without a doubt, that this is where the Lord wants us at this time.  We know that we miss our children and grandchildren, but we have our internet phone and Skype and FaceTime.  We will survive.  Our health is good and we feel the time is right - why not go?

Since our call officially came . . . .

We have had another physical as well as chest x-rays to apply for our visas.

We have applied and received our visas.

We have renewed our drivers licenses so they will not expire while we are gone.

We have also contacted all our banks and other agencies to notify them that we will be gone.

We have done lots of shopping (did we mention lots of shopping?).

We have also met with various people at church headquarters regarding potential projects that we will be working on with the humanitarian missionaries in the Pacific Area.

And finally, we have started to pack.

We were set apart as missionaries this afternoon and will report to the Missionary Training Center tomorrow morning.  We are doing things just a little bit backwards this time as we will speak in church next Sunday, September 14th at 9:00am.

So there you have it!  Our next post will be after we go to the MTC.

An added note for those of you who might wonder what we are doing with our house.  Our daughter, Sara and her husband, Jac have agreed to stay for another 18 months.  What a blessing it is not have to worry about our house.  They did a great job last time and we are confident they will do the same this time.

So till next week - Hei konei rā (See you later)

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