Produce is abundant in Vanuatu. The people come to the market early Monday morning and stay until early Saturday afternoon. The market closes each day, but the people stay with their produce all week. The Ni-Vans (pronounced knee-vans) the name for the local people, sleep on the floor. It is a very busy place. You can buy fruits and vegetables of every kind as well as flowers, chickens and bats (that's right, bats!). There are locations in the local market where you can buy food and sit down to eat your lunch. Pictures tell the story best. We did not feel comfortable taking pictures of all the people, but we shot a few photos on our iPhone as we walked by. We will start with flowers -
Next we have produce -
Bananas and Coconuts - the bags are full of kindling to start their fires |
This lady is deciding which bunch of coconuts to buy |
The price is marketed - 100 Vatu is about $1.00 |
Each morning the ladies prepare their produce for sale, which someone else brings to the market |
We did not get any pictures of the live chickens or bats (fruit bats), but take our word for it, we did see them. The most interesting thing we saw was the peanuts.
We could not find my picture of the peanuts, but we borrowed this one from Sister Larsen |
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