Elder Scirkovich
When we first arrived in New Zealand we were introduced to everyone at the area office. (Of course this was on the same day as we arrived; how many names do you think we remembered?) As we left one office Susan noticed the name on the door and had to back-track and ask if this Norman Scirkovich was any relation to Elder Scirkovich serving in the Adriatic North Mission. He replied that he was his father. We told him that we had just returned from that mission last November and we knew his son. He told us that his son would be home in November. November has now arrived and Elder Scirkovich returned home on Thursday. Last night we were invited to the Scirkovich home for a get together. It was great to see him and talk about places we both had served and of all our mutual friends. It is a small world when you get church members together.

After the fact we realize that we should have taken a picture of him and his parents. We'll try to do that next time. The only other picture we got was of the sister missionaries who helped with the container for our needy Samoa school project. In fact there were at least three other people at the Scirkovich home that had helped with the school project. We are happy that Elder Scirkovich lives in the same stake as we do now.
"Missionaries in their late teens or early 20s are young in ways of the world, but they are blessed with gifts - such as the power of the Holy Spirit, the love of God and testimonies of the truth - that makes them powerful ambassadors for the Lord" Russell M. Nelson "Ask the Missionaries" October 2012
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