Meeting an Apostle

1) Have faith in yourself and your calling.
She reminded us that we have been set apart as missionaries by one in authority. We are called to our missions at this time and in this place by a prophet of god. She affirmed that all things are possible when we are on the Lord's errand and that nothing is too hard for the Lord. (See Luke 1:37).
2) Obedience and sacrifice is the price of our success.
She quoted President Nelson who once said "Obedience brings blessings. Exact obedience brings miracles.
3) Make sure you seek for, live for and ask for the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
Referring to the famous missionary scripture in D&C 4, Sister Pearson promised that as we give all our heart, mind and might for the work, the Lord will bless us.
He then spoke about how in the same way a magnifying glass could focus the rays of the sun, as we align our will with that of the Saviour as guided by the Holy Spirit, we can achieve great things. Some of the quotes I captured in my notes include:
* "Your power as a missionary is a function of being aligned with the spirit."
* "Power comes from constancy and consistency."
* "Great learners equal great leaders."
* "Average is the enemy of excellence. Improve your abilities every day."
* "You can't see what you aren't looking for.”
* "Our lives must be a relentless pursuit of Christ until we come to see him face to face."
* But perhaps most important of all - "Your success in your mission will not be based on number of baptisms. It will depend on your personal commitment and dedication to serve." We need to remember this and keep it ever in our thoughts when we are going over reports or assessing the outcomes of all that we do.
The other great thing about what he said is that it means there is no way we can fail in our mission, so long as we put forth the commitment and dedication he speaks of. We are only responsible for our own choices. So the real measure of the success of a mission will be based entirely on the degree to which we are doing everything we can to align our will, our thoughts, and our actions to what we understand the Lord is asking of us.
That means if the work was going forward regardless of our efforts, we can't ride the wave of that success while being lackadaisical in our efforts. It also means if the work stalls despite our very best efforts, the Lord will still look upon us and say "well done, my good and faithful servant". Who doesn't want to hear those words?
She then did exactly what the prophet had told her to do. Then close the doors of her house and begin pouring her oil into the vessels, then take the vessels of oil and sell them and to live on the remainder. She filled every one, yet her own pot of oil had remained. The oil did not stop till the last vessel was filled. She was able to sell the oil she had poured into the vessels and pay the debt which was owed, securing the freedom of her sons and she had enough left over to sustain her. Sister Christofferson pointed out: "The Lord will bless us to the degree that we are prepared to receive".
She followed that with a talk about a pair of missionaries who were directed where to go. As they started their day, they both felt rather uncertain, not sure why they were going the direction they were going. They had no specific plan or appointment, but by following a spiritual prompting knocked on door at a certain house. When they knocked on the door of the houses no one was home, so they were baffled as to why they had been led there. As they were leaving, the lady who lived in the house came jogging by as she had been out getting some exercise. She greeted the missionaries and told them she wanted to be baptized. This lady had apparently been taught before but never made a commitment to be baptised. When the friend who had introduced her to the gospel moved away, she committed, "If missionaries from your church ever come to my house, I will get baptised."
These missionaries had no formal referral to find her but the Lord knew her heart and knew she was ready, so He guided his servants to go to that home. However, those missionaries had to be prepared to receive the prompting through faith and obedience. They had to be willing to follow the spirit even though they did not understand why they were being asked to go there. We do not want to limit the number of vessels we have available to gather in the Lord's blessings. As we continue to pattern our life after the Saviour and get more adept at recognizing and following the promptings of the spirit, we too can see miracles in our lives.
When Elder D. Todd Christofferson took the pulpit he asked for questions. Rather than giving out a pre-planned address, he used his time responding to what the group most wanted to learn about.
One of the questions was: "How can we personally know the Saviour?" Elder Christofferson reminded us that in addition to knowing Jesus Christ, we must strive to come to know the Father, as it says in the scriptural account of the Last Supper: "This is life eternal, that they might know the ever living God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent." Elder Christofferson spoke about things we can do, ways we can come closer to both the Father and the Son such as continuing to study and ponder the attributes of Christ, to live and serve according to the Saviour's example. He said "There are times when Heavenly Father wants us to pray for certain things. The Spirit can guide you to know what to pray for."
He asked for other's input, President Pearson came back to the stand and said something I hope I will always remember about wanting to know Heavenly Father and the Saviour: "Remember that we do know them. We just can't remember it because of the veil. Part of mortality includes mortal amnesia. That is why we feel comfortable in the temple. It takes us closer to our true nature, our true home.
"What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away; but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." D&C 1:38
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